558 - 一般カタルーニャ人 2021/07/02(金) 13:28:43.83 ID:L8tjy3V50
Sorry, the initial entry by Sonshi to the MMD Cup was with 14, not 15.
Gorogorou's comment was made in anticipation towards 15 (hence my confusion), responding to Sonshi MMD dominating in 14 due to rigging.
Ironically 14 was the most successful MMD Cup in history, numbers declined ever since.
Thanks for the reply, questions and comments from a global audience are always interesting especially for a rather close community like Koshinism.
Interesting you mention Atrocity Guide, I personally am aware of their videos, but he probably isn't widely recognized among us.
There's no mention of the name in Karasawa Wiki, but considering that it at least brought one of someone like you all the way to Kara-ke (board on Karasawa) he might be worth a Koshinite title haha
Yup, screw looses are ubiquitous, What I guess makes Gorogorou so hated is his attitude and the gerontocracy that he built up, a sentiment something perhaps the Japanese (especially the young) loosely share (aka Rogai)
On the otherhand BeamManP, the man who built up MMD Cup Zero, has long been considered competent by Koshinites and credited in most Sonshi MMDs (though he seems to be facing IRL troubles now)