質問スレinマヨケー (1001)

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557 - 一般カタルーニャ人 2021/07/02(金) 12:58:29.54 ID:kyT9OSiP0

I discovered it in mid-2017, I think? I fell down the rabbit hole ever since! haha
Honestly, I thought I was the only overseas internet user to be aware of this phenomenon.

Then, on June 5th, 2019. A Youtuber named Atrocity Guide (who I am now a fan of) made a video about Hasekara (mostly centering around Karasawa and the harassment, but did briefly mention Konshinites targeting other people not related to Karasawa or his other associates).
This video clearly gained more interest from people outside of Japan, which was neat to see. It also boosted my fascination with it even more.

Basically, I'm researching this for fun.
Also, the MMD side of things is the most interesting to me as someone who likes CG and MMD. We also have a few MMD users here with some screws loose as well. Which is to be expected in a community.