555 - 一般カタルーニャ人 2021/07/02(金) 12:32:32.58 ID:L8tjy3V50
By MMD Cup 20, the administration team was in pieces, and resentment towards them had grown so much that video submissions to the event had dropped to less than half of numbers from MMD Cup 15.
There was a video announcing MMD Cup 21 but it is yet to be held to this day.
Gorogorou had held on to it until the very end, but the event pretty much is one that no longer exists.
He has not been seen in public ever since.
An alternative event, MMD Cup Zero, was launched, claiming no involvement with the original MMD Cup (or Gorogorou's involvement) and is now widely popular among the MMD community.
I feel the biggest issue with Gorogorou and the MMD Cup was that they didn't accept criticism, and kept the concept that videos with the most my-list numbers won the cup, and once Koshinites started to exploit this rule, they kicked them out.
Koshinites indeed rigged the numbers especially with their first entry back in MMD Cup 15, but this was nothing new, and many had already been criticizing awarding videos with numbers that could easily be manipulated.
I think it was Gorogorou (and if not it was definitely one of his puppets) that claimed the my-list criterion was a constitutional rule behind the MMD Cup from its foundation, but this was quickly debunked by one of the original members.
Another important issue, MMD Cup officials unobjectively supporting or rejecting one genre of videos over others, was also one that was being discussed before Sonshi MMD was a thing. (This was most present in MMD Cup 13 with Kankore)
At first Sonshi MMD creators probably knew they were the black sheep of the MMD community, and their MMD skills were immature.
But once they believed they were accepted with Gorogorou's initial blog comment, and Sonshi MMD works received top prizes for 15, they moved on to create works with genuine quality that could compete artistically with MMD works from other genres (which they did).
It was around then that they were without any explanation rejected from the competition, and it is no wonder many people got mad.
Gorogorou probably is thinking (if he isn't dead by now) that Sonshi MMD destroyed MMD Cup, but I personally believe it was him and his unapologetic dictatorship over it that had weakened its integrity over the years, and only with Sonshi MMD was this revealed and shared among the wider community.
This is a view I share with many, at least according to the "mmd杯問題" and "続・mmd杯問題" articles on niconicopedia.
But then it starts to go out of Hasekara bounds, so I'll leave you with that.
That being said if there's any technical terms you don't understand feel free to reply, I'm sure I or anyone in this thread can help you out
Also, I'm curious as to how you found Hasekara from the other side of the pond, and what made you decide to make it a research topic, and to what level (academic or just for fun). Cheers.