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551 - 一般カタルーニャ人 2021/07/02(金) 11:13:29.04 ID:L8tjy3V50


Gorogoro-P (Gorogorou to be exact) was one of the authorities behind MMD Cup when Sonshi MMD joined.
He wasn't part of the founding members behind the first cup, but from a certain point he obtained absolute authority running each one, purging anyone who he thought was in his way.
He made several comments and executive decisions which enraged Koshinites as well as native MMD Cup participants, leading to his demise (and of Suzune-P, which will be explained in the following).
Unlike Suzune-P his IRL identity is yet to be pin-pointed, but he is self-proclaimed to be past retirement age, so in his sixties at least, and his attitude (and outrageously slow typing speed) likely stemming from his senility also led to antipathy.

Gorogorou, when Sonshi MMD first joined MMD Cup in its 15th installment and caused discussion among the MMD community, released a statement on his blog saying he actually welcomed it.
He also accepted the rigging of view counts and my-list numbers, which was something Koshinites certainly were doing so Sonshi would win the cup, but wasn't a new tactic in the history of the MMD Cup (this was a fact Gorogorou himself pointed out).
Suzune-P strongly commented against this article and that's how he was targeted by Koshinites, and from there what happened is what >>546 has already explained.
Sonshi MMD ended up dominating the top awards for MMD Cup 15, and at this point there was no animosity against Gorogorou.