質問スレinマヨケー (1001)

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546 - 一般カタルーニャ人 2021/07/02(金) 00:35:18.65 ID:nY/q1OH/0

Suzune-P pretended to be a woman on the internet and some men flattered her.
One day she reviled Koshinism's videos. Then we Koshinists revealed who she really was.
She was an old man. Moreover, he turned out to be very ugly, lame in the right leg, jobless, a nationalist (even though he wasted tax), impotent, and so on.
He is called "a man whose only value was being a woman".
He has many things to interest us. One is his sex doll. It's really grotesque. He said he hasn't washed it well for six years.
After he was identified, he changed his account many times. However, every time his account turned out to be Suzune-P's. It is because his style is very characteristic (probably against his will). This is because we haven't get tired of him.