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Using these methods will never make Taiwan want to be united with China, if that’s possible at all. Even a growing section of Hongkongers want to be independent, even though that is not really possible.

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In an address to an annual gathering of world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly, Abbas committed to negotiating with Israel in good faith but he also painted what he called a "dispiriting and bleak" picture for peace prospects.

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Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is in the United States this week to meet with President Obama. Before going to the White House, he met with reporters and Pakistani Americans to speak on issues between his country and the USA.

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BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law.

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Negotiations between the federal government and companies such as Google Inc have gone on for months, and while U.S. spy agencies said they plan to be more transparent, they have opposed company requests to disclose more detailed data.

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"It's going to be a messy period, but it's also natural and to be expected," said Firas Abi Ali, a Middle East and North Africa analyst at IHS in London. "Reconciling Islam with modernity will result in a lot of unrest."

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The couple announced Aug. 28 that after 13 years as husband and wife,ツthey were taking time to evaluate their marriage, but Douglas, 68,ツtold reporters a week later that “My wife and I are, are fine.”

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Chronic hepatitis C affects at least 3 million people in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Genotype 1 is the most common form, accounting for about 70 percent of cases.

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Each time 30-year-old Gomez and Jonathan Brownlee passed Alistair, the senior brother pointed to his head to impart a "think" message to the 23-year-old, who admitted after the race that he had a tendency to get over-excited and go off too hard.

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For the fiscal year ending in March 2014, MUFG kept itsforecast for net profit unchanged at 760 billion yen, down 11percent from the previous year and below an average estimate of810.9 billion yen in a poll of 14 analysts by Thomson Reuters.

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Still, analysts have cited the backpedalling as one of thekey disappointments in Abe's growth strategy announced in June.Robert Feldman, chief economist at Morgan Stanley MUFG, gave Abea "D plus" grade on labour market reform.

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SACRAMENTO, Calif. - A federal judge approved a request from California and federal officials on Monday to force-feed inmates if necessary as a statewide prison hunger strike entered its seventh week.

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MLB may issue suspensions for 15 or more players, the Postsaid, following its probe of Biogenesis of America LLC, a now-shuttered Miami-area anti-aging clinic that baseball has accusedof supplying performance-enhancing substances to players.

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State Democrats, who countered that Republicans who championed the measures aimed to make it harder for minority voters who tend to vote Democratic to cast ballots, said Horne's opinion tested "absurdity and vindictiveness."

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* Russia's second-largest bank VTB has agreed tosell its stake of around 10 percent in Societe Generale's Russian unit Rosbank to the French bank, while SocGenwill sell VTB a number of Russian assets, a source close to thedeal said on Sunday.

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World Bank President Jim Yong Kim added his voice to achorus of experts warning about the impact of the stalemate,saying on Wednesday that even the threat of a U.S. default couldhurt emerging markets and the world's most vulnerable people.

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Brazilian officials have said the pessimism is exaggerated,downplaying threats of a ratings downgrade by saying its debtlevels remain much healthier than in most developed countriesand that foreign investment keeps flowing.

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"The Convention will enter into force for the Syrian ArabRepublic on the 30th day following the date of deposit of thisinstrument of accession, namely on 14 October 2013," the U.N.press office said in a statement.

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Asian shares ex-Japan ended 0.1 percent higher and Europeanstocks inched up ahead of the U.S. restart as London's FTSE and the second day of outperformance by Italian shareshelped offset weakness in Paris and Madrid.

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The Bank of America has arrived at the conclusion that a lack of speaking spots from "major Fed officials" means "the markets are likely to pay a lot less attention to Jackson Hole than in the past".

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The dollar fell late last week after Bernanke said highlyaccommodative monetary policy would be needed for theforeseeable future. Bernanke's remarks on the U.S. economy andmonetary policy will be released at 8:30 a.m. (1230 GMT) onWednesday.

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But Zimmerman's lawyer, Don West, got Bao to say during cross examination that it may have been possible for Martin to move a little after he was shot. "But only one person in this world knows," Bao added.

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SapuraKencana Petroleum said in a statement it was gratefulto President Nicolas Maduro's government for releasing the RVTeknik Perdana, which was picked up Venezuela's navy last weekand taken to Margarita island.

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Investors had worried that an extended shutdown would weighon economic growth and corporate outlooks. A Reuters surveyshowed economists have grown less optimistic about prospects forthe economy as the fight over fiscal policy took its toll.

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The dollar pared most losses after the release ofstronger-than-expected U.S. manufacturing data. The sector lastmonth expanded at its fastest pace in almost 2-1/2 years, anindustry report showed, while firms added the most workers in 15months.

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A steadying economy would be a relief to China's leaders, who worry a further slowdown could derail their efforts to rebalance the economy away from its credit- and investment-driven growth model to one in favor of consumption.

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(Additional reporting by Jim Forsyth in San Antonio, Karen Brooks in Austin, Julie Steenhuysen in Chicago and Steve Holland in Washington; Writing by Daniel Trotta; Editing by Bill Trott, Philip Barbara and Cynthia Osterman)

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Christie, who is running for reelection as New Jersey's governor and widely considered a contender for president in 2016, gave his "conditional" approval to the bill but sent it back to the legislature with the suggested changes.

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A second source with knowledge of the matter confirmed Qatar was one of the players Versace had been in touch with but added that the Gulf investor "had not shown the same degree of activism as other players".

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About 25 percent of the best office space in Cairo isvacant, property consultant Jones Lang LaSalle said inJune, a figure that it said would grow by an unspecified amount.It compares with 7 or 8 percent in central Paris or London.

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The 12-person train stopped near the top of the first hill of the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit around 7 p.m. EDT Wednesday. Universal spokesman Tom Schroder said they were finally freed around 9:30 p.m.


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