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(Corrects paragraph 1 to say Visteon is selling its stake inYanfeng Visteon Trim Systems and its interest in certain YFVaffiliates for $1.2 billion. Also corrects U.S. dollar figure to$68 mln from $300 mln in paragraph 2)

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The fund, run by Bill Gross, ranks as the world's largest bond fund with $251 billion in assets. The fund has seen its assets shrink by 14 percent over the past four months, or roughly $41 billion, as a result of withdrawals and price losses.

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Gropper's patience ran out however when he admonished oneshareholder for asking what he felt were overly broad questionsof Kodak executives about their methodology for the company'svaluation. The Canadian shareholder spent close to an hour atthe podium.

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The political convulsions in the eurozone's third largesteconomy have increasingly worried investors, although with theEuropean Central Bank guaranteeing stability in the markets,there has been none of the panic seen during previous crises.

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The Los Angeles-based production company is known for its sassy, tongue-in-cheek, teeny pop tunes. Wilson has also found success with his “It’s Thanksgiving” song from teen singer Nicole Westbrook.

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DB's sports bra products range from £16 to £31 with the Shock Absorber billed as offering great support, dynamic looks and effortless comfort. It grabbed a 15 per cent share of the market during the years the OFT is investigating.

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Lower House lawmakers proposed raising the planned top rateon a sliding scale to 35 percent for those who earn more than 3million pesos ($233,100) a year, above the 32 percent that PenaNieto had put forward, according to the draft reform revision.

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** Belarusian potash producer Belaruskali said it had notbeen consulted by Uralkaliy OAO before the Russiancompany quit their joint venture and promised a new salesstrategy to address the new market conditions. (Compiled by Varun Aggarwal)

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The website's ratings are explained as follows: "When selecting an airport to declare as the 'worst', travellers were asked to consider the four Cs: comfort, conveniences, cleanliness and customer service.

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Swiss owner Ineos halted production last week at the210,000-barrels-per-day refinery, which provides most ofScotland's fuel, due to a labour dispute with Britain's largestunion, Unite. Ineos says the site makes a loss.

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That sounds perfectly fine, in theory. But Michael Pineda isn’t ready to pitch in, and David Phelps is dealing with a forearm strain, so trading Hughes means counting on Nova every five days. Can the Yankees feel comfortable with that?

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That may sound steep, but the European-based private jet airline says it isn't having a problem attracting clients. VistaJet's founder, chairman and 100% owner, Thomas Flohr says sales are growing roughly 25% per year.

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Bill said his own aircraft, an Italian-made aerobatics plane, was destroyed in the accident, along with a truck, a car and a motorcycle he kept parked in the hangar. "My assumption is that everything in there is roasted," he told Reuters.

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A deal involving Celesio, one of Europe's largest drugswholesale groups, has been brewing for some time as the top U.S.drugs distributors seek to boost their purchasing muscle withglobal drugs companies and get more pricing power.

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NEW YORK, Oct 1 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks started off a newmonth and a new quarter with gains on Tuesday as investorsappeared confident that the first partial government shutdown innearly two decades would be short-lived.

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In this case there was a host of additional evidence â€Â\x94 including traces of Guy's blood discovered at Hilder's residence in Southsea, in southern England â€Â\x94 and it was enough to secure the 47-year-old's conviction.

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In the capital, three security personnel were killed when a car bomb exploded near the convoy of the head of Baghdad provincial council, and two more people were killed when a roadside bomb blew up in a western outskirt.

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The condition affects more than 460,000 British people. Prof Walter Kohn of the University of California, Santa Barbara, who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1998, has developed a device that can correct vision to normal.

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Despite being a sentimental favorite of both the judges and the voting public because of her battle with terminal brain cancer, the 74-year-old was eliminated from the dance reality competition Monday night.

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"Srinivasan can take over as BCCI [Board of Control for Cricket in India] president, but we have also formed a new probe panel to investigate the case," Justice AK Patnaik, one of the two judges who heard the case, said on Tuesday.

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Chinese oil explorer China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), along with Britain's Tullow Oil and France's Total, is currently negotiating with Uganda the terms of a project involving a refinery and a pipeline.

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"I was free throughout to concern myself with questions not of value, but of worth," she said after accepting the award from Prince Charles's wife, Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, at a glittering dinner in London's ancient Guildhall.

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Immigration advocates had also targeted Schock with a small immigration reform rally at the Illinois state capitol the same day.  According to the 2014 Almanac for American Politics, about 2.3% of Schock’s constituents are Hispanic.

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LOS ANGELES â€Â\x93 Jay-Z, Ice Cube and Mel Brooks were among the stars in attendance Tuesday night for the Yankeesâ€Â\x99 rare visit to Chavez Ravine, only the third time in the past 32 seasons the Bombers have played at Dodger Stadium.

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"Those who will be able to independently prescribe will have to complete a very rigorous training course similar to courses that nurses, pharmacists and other non-medical prescribers already have to complete," he added.

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Separately, Britain's Thomson Airways said one of itsDreamliners that turned back during a flight from Manchester toSanford in Florida on Friday had suffered a "minor technicalissue" and had now had a small number of components replaced.

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The pontiff also plans an excursion to Aparecida, Brazil's most important Catholic site where he was the lead author of a document on how the church should adopt a more missionary focus during a 2007 meeting of Latin American bishops.

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Mobilicity Chairman John Bitove is listed as a bidder through a company called Feenix Wireless Inc. Separately, private equity firm Catalyst Capital Group Inc, which owns Mobilicity debt, also signed up.

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"We are of the view that the U.S. recovery remains on trackso we don't think there will be any delay to the start of thetapering process (of Fed stimulus) said Alvin Tan, an FXstrategist at Societe Generale.

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The Spanish market shrugged off pressure on Prime MinisterMariano Rajoy over a party financing scandal. Rajoy on Mondayrejected opposition calls for him to quit and said his reformplans would not be held back.

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A wrong-way driver slammed into an oncoming vehicle on New York's Tappan Zee Bridge, killing a passenger and sparking a five-car pileup that closed the northbound lanes of the state Thruway for hours, state police said Wednesday.

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Aurelia Jones-Taylor, chief executive of Aaron E. Henry Community Health Center in Clarksdale, Mississippi, said the clinic is anticipating a 25 percent increase in patients at the beginning of the calendar year.

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Antonio Simoes, chief executive of HSBC in the UK, said: “We want to support our home owning and home buying customers and recognise that particularly for first-time buyers, building the necessary deposit can be a real challenge.â€Â\x9D

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They have endured six weeks of nothing but losing, but the Giants refuse to give up. They have talked about still winning an NFC East they appear to have no shot to win and they have repeatedly, defiantly insisted that one win could spark a turnaround.

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Householders have been warned that they face sharp increases in their heating bills this winter. Last week, the energy giant, Scottish & Southern Energy (SSE) announced it was increasing prices for customers by 8.2 per cent.

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Coughlin vs. Cruz might be a little bit of a mismatch. Coughlin is a tough guy, but he’s 67 years old, and Cruz, who is 25, has some slick salsa moves that might make him tough to hit with a solid right.

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NEW YORK - Design companies tending to the details of fashion shows have more to think about than skirt lengths and handbag clasps - they must decide whether to seek U.S. patent protection for their looks.

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The operator has been pushing an aggressive marketing andpricing strategy to try to win over consumers since March thisyear. So far its strategy paid off with second quartersubscriber growth, which broke a four-year declining streak.

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In-car computers that control the anti-lock braking system may not respond correctly during light braking on rough surfaces. The result is that the vehicles can take slightly longer than expected to come to a full stop.

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In addition to being the Met’s undisputed clubhouse leader, Wright entered Saturday leading the team in batting average (.309), on-base percentage (.391) and hits (126) while ranking second in home runs (16) and third in RBI (54).

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German sportswear brand Puma (majority owned byFrench group Kering ) is dipping its toe into themarket with plans to bring out trail running shoes. Canada GooseInc is seeking new investors to help it expand.

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White House representatives and those for the tech companiesand privacy groups could not be immediately reached to commenton Politico's report. Politico said the White House, companiesand groups have all declined to comment.

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SHERYL SANDBERG SELLS $91 mln OF FACEBOOK SHARESSheryl Sandberg, second in command at Facebook, has sold$91 million of her stock in the company, which has climbed aboveits flotation value for the first time. ()

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* General Motors Co on Monday will open a $200million metal-stamping plant adjacent to its Arlington, Texas,factory. By locating parts near the assembly plant, GM hopes tosave about $40 million a year in shipping costs. ()

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Analysis of specific biomarkers in a cerebrospinal fluid sample can differentiate patients with Alzheimer's disease from those with other types of dementia. The method, which is being studied by researchers at Sahlgrenska ...

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As Barfield put it, “In the absence of [a strong leader] and the departure of foreign forces, Afghanistan will not survive as a unitary state. The most likely event in that case would be a sundering of the country along regional lines.”

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Asia's richest woman is being sued by two of her childrenwho accuse Rinehart of breaching her duty as the sole trustee ofa $4 billion family trust. She denies acting improperly andrecently agreed to step down as trustee.

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She took advantage of the gap to go to Hamburg Ballet, whose choreographer John Neumeier put her in his Lady of the Camellias, then created a new ballet for her, Liliom, which won her most of 2012’s international accolades.

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The Esphigmenou monks â€ÂÂ\x94 who argue that they are safeguarding centuries-old Orthodox traditions â€ÂÂ\x94 have refused to leave the complex, and receive food and other assistance from supporters in other parts of Greece.

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Other candidates mentioned this year include Denis Mukwege, a Congolese gynecologist who helps survivors of sexual violence, and Bradley Manning, a U.S. soldier convicted of leaking secret files to WikiLeaks.

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Yet market worries about the transition need to be kept inperspective. Even if growth slows to 5 percent a year by 2030,Schellekens with the World Bank said China will still be addingoutput every year equal to the size of the South Korean economy.

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Coleman, a veterinarian who moved her family back to Albany, about 40 miles east of Maryville, because of backlash from the community over the girls' accusations, said suggestions that she and her daughter were uncooperative are lies.

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Egypt's interim government is working on amending a constitution that was drafted under Mursi by an Islamist-dominated assembly. It was seen by Mursi's opponents as failing to guarantee rights and reflect Egypt's diverse population.

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But there’s more to the Wacha story. In a day and age when every team has ironclad innings limits for its young pitchers , how is it that a 22-year-old fresh out of college is pitching deep into October, anyway?

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These last few episodes of "Breaking Bad" have been the most watched in show history â€Â\x94 which proves, said Collier, that a long break is not only acceptable to fans, but may heighten their interest.

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Supporters in the U.S. say those diagnoses aren't possible and don't take into account the child's long history of eating disorders and malnourishment that caused lifelong health concerns, as well as recent blood work.

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Bo's wife, Gu Kailai, and his former police chief, Wang Lijun, have both been jailed over China's biggest political scandal in years, which stems from the murder of British businessman Neil Heywood in November 2011.

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However, sources close to the Justice Secretary Chris Grayling have suggested he is opposed to the idea of spending public money on the legal process and intends to defend his position and allow the Leicester plans to proceed.

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There are clues in the code as well. For example, a password, used again and again over the years to unlock encrypted files, had the number 38 in it, a politically loaded figure for two countries divided on the 38th parallel, security experts said.


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