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221 - ŠjŒ‚‚Δ‚Ξ‘ΈŽt (sage) 2014/03/16(“ϊ) 23:30:52 ID:Lsl4eGIE

517 –Ό‘O:Grape Ape š :2014/03/16(“ϊ) 23:24:52.87 ID:???0
When Live Jupiter grows more, we will add another server to make it fair for the other boards.
We can vote on Orpheus then.
Happy Birthday..:)

519 –Ό‘O:Grape Ape š :2014/03/16(“ϊ) 23:27:28.13 ID:???0
If LiveJupiter moves to another soon, the News4vip will be able to grow even faster.
