384 - 核撃てば尊師 2014/03/13(木) 10:12:07 ID:hLujUdIY
610 名前:核撃てば尊師[] 投稿日:2014/03/12(水) 09:52:43 ID:CZWCB5iw
Hell o,
I am a lawyer in Japan.
The following content in your server is slandering me.
It says in Japanese,"Lawyer Tanaka burned the Koran(Islam). "
I am troubled very much for such a lie.
Please,delete this content immediately.
If you can't do it , Tell me Source IP of this
site or the appropriate provider for my report.
So, I will file a lawsuit to the site owner.
And Please don't notify the site owner.
Because he is full of malice, he will retaliate against me.
Thank you for telling me.
I have already deleted the post, and made a protection system for him.
To be fair, this is not my post, and not the page I had created.
In fact, I’d deleted many posts properly for him as his request.
Therefore, his rude mail strongly disappointed me.
He may be a lawyer but I cannot say he is a trustable lawyer.
Anyway, I will save him from any trouble and danger.
I greatly appreciate your kindness.