1 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/04(金) 18:26:33 ID:ff5s0bek0
In haste.
2 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/04(金) 18:45:43 ID:R6AuZ8fw0
A the Criminal-Chinko-Face
3 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/04(金) 18:57:55 ID:iRrw5dzw0
I hate karasawa takahiro.
To say the least,as many as K5.
6 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/04(金) 19:24:13 ID:WYCEu.WA0
It's good.
10 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/04(金) 21:17:56 ID:dMdPCFbc0
who killed my brother?
12 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/04(金) 21:47:01 ID:H5lh5vJM0
Stab someone with knife over again and again.
...and kill him.
13 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/04(金) 21:58:29 ID:4R02TJoY0
15 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/04(金) 23:54:09 ID:4BIGG14M0
This is bad.
16 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/04(金) 23:57:58 ID:HvfzLr9o0
Power to the silent majority
18 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 07:43:39 ID:sTbOAi9c0
Do you know Gorihomo?
19 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 08:11:37 ID:qjWRaxuQ0
20 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 12:56:55 ID:HmkTeC0M0
What color is the sky?
I see yourself in 20 years.
21 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 13:21:43 ID:4fESihTQ0
I don't feel bad.
And I don't care no matter how you feel bad.
You guys are nothing to me.
Honestly, I would feel nothing even if you were all dead.
Because you and I have nothing to do with in real life.
I mean I have no friendship with you.
22 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 (sage) 2016/03/05(土) 15:31:13 ID:Zn.imYkc0
Do you know Gorihoomo? You are criminal if you know it and tell me a lie.
23 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 16:27:27 ID:4fESihTQ0
Hicky'n'Gowwwww Botch'n'Gowwwwwww
24 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 17:14:09 ID:eq9Ct.LY0
I was 19 years old happy birthday. I am happy everyone was and spend the last 10 generations.
25 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 17:23:36 ID:/zberOJw0
Manglish and Ujinglish are not English.
26 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 (sage) 2016/03/05(土) 18:16:54 ID:QBQCHHF60
The most difficult sentence quoted from the entrance
examination of Tokyo university.
27 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 18:19:13 ID:KhbBPep.0
I'm not good at English but
could be better than Takahiro Karasawa does
Because he mistook even in spelling 'digital'
It's stupid mistake I hate Karasawa I'm going to kill him by a knife
28 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 18:23:24 ID:vgcGYOIQ0
Kallah Akbar
29 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 18:25:19 ID:i8KrAQEk0
Karasawa smells too bad
I think he is eating his craps every morning
30 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 18:46:26 ID:X51L6bG.0
actually,he fucks himself every morning.
31 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 18:53:06 ID:/zberOJw0
My little brother disappeared.
My little brother disappeared from me.
Suddenly devils came for us,
And took my little brother far away from me.
Who killed my little brother, somebody please tell me.
Who killed my little brother, somebody please tell me!
I can't understand why everybody suspect me?
No, I'm not guilty, I am innocence.
Somebody who are all bad are hateful devils.
They said me to do, so I did it.
Who killed my little brother, somebody please tell me.
Who killed my little brother, somebody please tell me!
Yeah, I did. Takahiro Karasawa did!
32 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 19:00:01 ID:i8KrAQEk0
Karasawa is fucking retard
33 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 19:18:15 ID:BMH4qUQY0
What were your parent like
What kind of home environment did you grow up in
When did you start doing such a thing
What were you like in the school as a student
What did you see in the school
What color was the sky
Have you cried
What happened to you
Have you ever felt parental love
Why was the feeling of saying kill me
34 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 19:23:05 ID:z5E3NM7Y0
KARASAWA Takahiro Idol geek lawyer Useless Useless
Disclosure Mistaken disclosure IP unpack unpack
35 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 19:38:15 ID:qcbKfymE0
Sounds like mothergoose, kusa
36 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 20:52:36 ID:vDCFC10I0
I am a lawyer. I am different from these morons.
37 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 21:56:15 ID:sMk3gVTM0
Hiroshi got pregnant
38 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 (sage) 2016/03/05(土) 22:06:48 ID:tv0dr64Q0
This article is not for invasion of Ushijima's privacy.
According to Japanese Wikipedia, She is recognized as a big-name.
For instance, Ushijima's request to delete her Wikipedia article was denied by Wikipedia administrators in Oct./16/2013.
Reference: Wikipedia:削除依頼/うしじまいい肉 (Japanese Page)
39 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/05(土) 22:24:41 ID:ZxbwWkY.0
41 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/06(日) 00:37:57 ID:cyhgnqeQ0
42 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/06(日) 10:37:27 ID:w4HwBN4g0
*girl's scream*
43 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/06(日) 13:20:14 ID:IUUMy4J20
44 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/06(日) 13:30:45 ID:j4GZRVJU0
Thank you to delete.
thank you.
45 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/06(日) 13:53:21 ID:.XMrzcCc0
Hiroshi got pregnant again and again
46 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/06(日) 14:06:15 ID:WUqEhPJE0
Karasawa Takahiro - Public Speaking Presentation
48 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 (sage) 2016/03/06(日) 14:30:20 ID:d15wXd/w0
He's a very talented speaker indeed ;)
49 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/06(日) 14:30:44 ID:1WdFcRfU0
Lawyer Takahiro Karasawa Lawyer
50 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/06(日) 17:53:26 ID:nd7qg7Y.0
NanJ-min, I foooound youuuuuu!
51 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/06(日) 18:33:39 ID:uQ9hYhsM0
I will kill Karasawa Takahiro!
PAKADEBU must die!!!
52 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/06(日) 19:23:50 ID:3enyBGcU0
Karasawa Takahiro motherfucker son of a bitch
53 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 (sage) 2016/03/06(日) 19:51:04 ID:JvRdCcWU0
Without being seen by anyone, we managed to enter the admiral's room.
" Forgive me for the messy room. Just sit back and relax."
54 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/06(日) 21:14:57 ID:.7C3HBO.0
I kill justin bieber.
55 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/06(日) 22:00:54 ID:mbyJozqE0
You under arrest!!
56 - ムジャーヒド聖戦士 2016/03/08(火) 10:04:38 ID:0Tw3gZlY0
I eat deep-fried chicken lunch box.
Stab repeatedly with chopsticks and eat it.