14 - 一般別荘保有者 ★ 2021/06/28(月) 10:16:28.74 ID:Kvm+uOOw0
830 :一般カタルーニャ人:2021/06/25(金) 18:42:44.76 ID:xJLXd9lXI
872 :一般カタルーニャ人:2021/06/26(土) 14:37:20.25 ID:ow1HFNTl0
48 : ◆AbDmhTCTZY : 2021/06/26(土) 12:01:46 ID:n4v4OPPc0
Thank you for the kind words :)
We're a privacy and freedom of speech company, so it's our duty to stand up for freedom of speech,
even if we don't personally like what someone is saying.
Unless we believe a customer is going to cause immediate serious physical/mental harm to other people (e.g. terrorism),
or they're running something with the purposeful intent of harming our network/customers (or even attacks on Privacy networks such as Tor),
we'll be transparent and inform them of any legal/law enforcement correspondence, and attempt to defend the customer's service/privacy
so long as it's worth fighting for (i.e. not something very clearly illegal that we'd have pretty much no legal justification for - e.g. child porn, terrorism, etc.).
If you'd like to help us to keep upholding privacy and freedom of speech,
we'd be grateful if you could spread the word about our services, so that we can gain more customers :)
If you do have a server with us, if you can contact us from the email which the servers are registered to - we can give you one or more referral codes.
They can be completely arbitrary codes consisting of the lowercase letters a-z + numbers 0-9 -
and they won't reveal anything about you to your referrals unless you put some identifying text in the code such as your name.
Our referral program pays lifetime 10% of whatever your referrals pay, so long as they keep paying -
so if you have a referral that buys a $100/mo server - you'll get $10/mo in Privex account credits every month until that referral cancels the server.
Kind regards,
Chris (Someguy123)
CEO @ Privex
Your Privex Team,
Support Department