552 - 一般カタルーニャ人 2021/07/02(金) 11:54:17.15 ID:L8tjy3V50
This all changed starting with the next MMD Cup.
One of the Sonshi MMD creators applied to become administration team that would run MMD Cup 16, and joined the orientation on a group Skype chat.
There the creator received a lengthy and objectively inept text from Gorogorou explaining why he wouldn't be accepted.
Enraged, the creator shared the discourse among Koshinites, revealing to them that Gorogorou actually had profound hatred towards Sonshi MMD and its creators.
This was also when it was revealed that the team running the MMD Cup was pretty much Gorogorou and his puppets, and simply put, that Gorogorou was an ass.
Another strike against Gorogorou was that with MMD Cup 17, he shared on his blog a website showcasing works submitted towards MMD Cup but intentionally excluding Sonshi (and Inmu) works, despite Gorogorou's position as a member of the official administration of MMD Cup. This many within and outside the MMD community saw as unfair and lacking neutrality.
What resulted was backlash from both Koshinites and many MMD creators.
Many works were submitted to the MMD Cup that appeared as MMD videos (showing a brief clip in the beginning, or MMD characters in the background) revealing Gorogorou's acts and the toxicity of the people running the cup.
These videos were made mostly by Koshinites but appealed way beyond them.
Even some who had distaste for Sonshi MMD supported its stance against the ream running MMD Cup.
Koshinites, going undercover, revealed internal documents and conversations on such videos, which fueled this sentiment even further.
The administration team, starting with MMD Cup 18 but most obviously from MMD Cup 19, fought back by excluding any MMD works that had Sonshi in them, but their efforts were hindered as many team members were revealed their IRL identity by Koshinites and forced to go into hiding.