質問スレinマヨケー (1001)

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550 - 一般カタルーニャ人 2021/07/02(金) 01:05:10.01 ID:nY/q1OH/0

He not only reviled the videos, but also was aggressive to many people.
His twitter icon was a character of a commercial comic. It was an illegal use.
Moreover, he caused troubles using the icon. The painter seemed really disappointed about it.
Once he made a trouble and was scolded by Takonuko-P (he is not related to Koshinism at all). It was proper preaching, but Suzune-P has had a hatred for him for years.
He has made troubles and broken promises many times.
That is why we hate him.
(You don't have to reply to this. I'm happy if I can help you)